How To Give My Cat a Tablet: Simplifying the Pill Predicament

Tablet administration to cats can be a seemingly impossible & treacherous challenge. The mere sight of a pill can send kitty sprinting under the nearest piece of furniture. As a result, pet owners often find themselves in a frustrating battle of wills when it comes to medicating their cats. However, fear not! With a few tricks up your sleeve and some patience, giving your cat a tablet can become a manageable task.

Understanding the Challenge

Cats are notorious for their aversion to medication. Unlike dogs, who may readily gobble up pills hidden in treats, cats are discerning creatures who can easily detect and reject any foreign substance in their food. Furthermore, their agility and sharp claws make it challenging to restrain them for pill administration.

Tips for Success

Choose the Right Pill: If possible, opt for smaller tablets or ask your veterinarian if the medication is available in a liquid form. Smaller tablets are easier to hide and administer.

Use Pill Pockets: Pill pockets are soft, malleable treats with a hollow center designed to conceal pills. Simply place the pill inside the pocket, pinch it closed, and offer it to your cat as a treat. Many cats will happily devour the pill pocket without detecting the medication inside.

Crush and Mix: If your cat refuses to eat a pill pocket, you can crush the tablet into a fine powder and mix it with a small amount of wet food. Be sure to check with your veterinarian beforehand to ensure that crushing the medication won't affect its efficacy and ensure your cat eats the entire amount of food the tablet is hidden in.

Practice Positive Reinforcement: Associate pill time with positive experiences by offering praise, treats, or playtime immediately after administering the medication. This helps to create a positive association and reduces your cat's reluctance in the future.

Consider a Pill Gun or Applicator: Pill guns are handy devices that allow you to place the pill at the back of your cat's throat and administer it with a quick release. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully to avoid causing discomfort to your cat.

Hide in Favorite Food: Another effective method is to hide the pill in your cat's favorite food. Warm cooked chicken, tuna, or a dollop of creamy yogurt can mask the presence of the pill and entice your cat to eat it without suspicion. Be sure to offer the treat in small portions to ensure that your cat consumes the pill along with the food.

This method works especially well for cats who are particularly finicky about their treats. Just be cautious with the portion size to ensure that your cat ingests the pill entirely. As always, monitor your cat closely to confirm that they have consumed both the food and the medication.

Seek Professional Assistance: If you're still struggling to administer medication despite trying various techniques, don't hesitate to seek help from your veterinarian. Our veterinarians are available on-demand to guide you through the process and can demonstrate the best method for pill administration.

Book an online appointment with one of our experienced veterinarians

Administering medication to your cat doesn't have to be a daunting task. By employing patience, creativity, and the right techniques, you can successfully give your feline friend the medication they need to stay healthy. Remember to always consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns or difficulties, and never force medication on a reluctant cat. With a little persistence and a lot of love, you can conquer the pill predicament and ensure your cat receives the care they deserve.


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